Model D2424 Reference Manual (MIDI Implementation Chart/MMC List)
Explanation on the Command/Mode Set
12 22 (<on/off>): loop on/off command
The command for setting the "loop mode on/off" (=ON/OFF of
AUTO RTN) of D2424. Default figure of the loop operation
mode is "12=stop" and this cannot be changed.
12 28 (<post locate mode>): post locate command
The command for setting the "post locate mode" (=ON/OFF of
AUTO PLAY) of D2424. It will stop after locating if "post locate
mode=12." It will enter play after locating if "post locate
12 2D (<on/off>): auto rec command
The command for setting "auto rec mode on/off" (=ON/OFF of
AUTO PUNCH) of D2424. Upon receiving this command, D2424
will immediately reply the operating condition by sending "32
2D (<edit message>)".
12 41 (<lock enable>): lock enable command
The command for setting "slave mode on/off" (setup menu) of
12 42 (<lock mode>): lock mode command
The command for setup of the slave mode (setup menu) when
this equipment is set to "slave mode on."
12 45 (<count><mmc track>) : copy clip command
When this command is received, D2424 will copy (multiple
number of tracks can be copied simultaneously) the sound
data, as data for copy paste, from the pre-registered clipboard-
in point to the clipboard-out point in the track specified by
<mmc track>.
With completion of copying the data into the clipboard, D2424
will immediately reply with "32 45 (<edit message=01 (com-
pleted)>)". If copy cannot be executed due to improper fig-
ures of the pre-registered clipboard in/clipboard out points or
incorrect track section, the corresponding <edit message> will
be returned.
12 46 (<count=01><repeat count>): copy paste command
12 46 (<count><repeat count><mmc track>): copy paste com-
When this command is received, D824/D1624 will paste the
sound data which has been copied into the clipboard, on the
same track from the pre-registered auto punch in point as the
starting point for the number of time specified by <repeat
However, if the sound data length in the clipboard is less than
10ms, the specifying the <repeat count> will be limited to
"01." Also, by specifying <mmc track>, paste can be executed
on other tracks in mono (in one track units) or stereo units (in
combinations of tracks 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8.....).
Since time corresponding to length of the copy clipped sound
data is required to complete the copy paste operation, D2424
immediately replies with "32 46(<edit message=02 (active)>)"
after receiving the command.
Successively upon completing the paste operation, "32 46 (<edit
message=01(completed)>)" is transmitted.
If paste cannot be executed due to improper figures of the pre-
registered auto punch in point, insufficient disc capacity, no
sound data in the clipboard, etc., the corresponding <edit mes-
sage> will be replied.
12 47 (<count><mmc track>): erase command
When this command is received, D2424 will erase the data
(writes in "0" data) in the section from the pre-registered auto
punch in point through auto punch out point in the track speci-
fied by <mmc track>. Since time corresponding to length of
the erase section is required to complete the erase operation,
D2424 will immediately reply by "32 47 (<edit message=02
(active)>)" after receiving the command.
After the completion of erase operation, "32 47 (<edit mes-
sage=01 (completed)>)" will be transmitted.
If erase cannot be executed due to improper figures of the pre-
registered auto punch in point/auto punch out point, incor-
rect track section, etc., the corresponding <edit message> will
be replied.
12 49: clipboard play command
When this command is received, D2424 will playback once
from the head of the sound data copied in the clipboard by the
copy clip and move clip commands.
Immediately after receiving the command, D2424 will reply
with "32 49 (<edit message=02 (active)><count><mmc track>)."
The sound data track number is indicated by (mmc track>.
Upon completion of playback, "32 49 (<edit message=01 (com-
pleted) is sent and clipboard play is ended. If there is no sound
data in the clipboard, "32 49 (<edit message=14 (void data)>)"
will be sent and clipboard play operation will be interrupted.
12 4A: undo command
Upon receiving this command, D2424 will revert to the condi-
tion prior to editing copy paste,erase, move paste, cut, redo
operation. With completion of undo operation, D2424 will
reply with "32 4A (<edit message=01(completed)>)."
If D2424 is not possible to undo, "32 4A (<edit message=00
(no message)>)" will be replied.
12 4B: redo command
When this command is received, D2424 will return to the con-
dition prior to undo operation.
With completion of redo operation, D2424 will reply with "32
4B (<edit message=01(completed)>)."
If D2424 is not possible to redo, "32 4B (<edit message=00 (no
message)>)" will be replied.
12 4D (<count><mmc track>): move clip command
When this command is received, D2424 will copy (multiple
tracks can be copied simultaneously) the sound data from the
pre-registered clipboard in point to the clipboard out point, as
data for move paste operation. With completion copying the
data into the clipboard, D2424 will immediately reply with "32
4D (<edit message=01 (completed)>)." If copy cannot be ex-
ecuted by the reason of pre-registered improper clipboard in/
clipboard out point figures or incorrect track section, etc., the
corresponding <edit message> will be replied.
12 4E (<count=01><repeat count>): move paste command
12 4E (<count><repeat count><mmc track>): move paste com-
When this command is received, D2424 will paste the sound
data which have been moveclipped in the clipboard, for the
number of times specified by <repeat count> on the same track
from the pre-registered auto punch in point as the starting
point. At the same time, the move clipped original sound data
will be erased (data "0" is written in). However, when sound