What Affects System Performance A-3
Appendix A: Technical
SPP mode allows the CD-Writer Plus drive to run at up to a 2x read
speed and up to a 1x write speed if the other minimum system
requirements are met.
EPP and ECP modes allow the CD-Writer Plus drive to run at up to a
6x read speed and a 2x write speed if the other minimum system
requirements are met.
TIP: Check your computer’s specifications to see which kind of parallel port was
installed. Sometimes a fast ECP/EPP port will be set up as a slow standard
mode port at the factory. Check your computer’s manual to find out how to reset
it to the faster speed. If that doesn’t work you can also install a faster parallel
■ I/O and IRQ. The IRQ (interrupt request) and I/O (input/output)
range are the computer resources used by the parallel port. The CD-
Writer Plus drive requires a parallel port set to:
IRQ 7 with I/O base address 378, or
IRQ 5 with I/O base address 278
Most computers automatically assign these. But, depending on your
configuration, you may run into conflicts with other devices. For
example, another device (such as your sound card) may be assigned
the same settings. If there is a conflict, it must be corrected before
installing the drive.
To find out which device is in conflict:
In Windows 95/98, right-click on the My Computer icon, select
Properties, select the Device Manager tab, double-click on the
computer icon to see a list of which device is using each resource
setting on your computer.
■ For optimum performance, run SCANDISK.EXE and DEFRAG.EXE
on your hard drive before using your CD-Writer Plus drive for the first
time (see your Windows manual for more information). Then run
them periodically after that. These programs improve access times to
the hard drive, which will help improve system performance while
writing to and reading from the CD-Writer Plus drive.
NOTE: Refer to your computer manual or contact your computer vendor if you
have any questions about your computer’s configuration or capabilities.