Getting Started
Getting Acquainted with the Analyzer
Data controls are used to change values for functions such as center
frequency, start frequency, resolution bandwidth, and marker position.
The data controls will change the active function in a manner prescribed by
that function. For example, you can change center frequency in fine steps
with the knob, in discrete steps with the step keys, or to an exact value with
the number/units keypad. For example, resolution bandwidth, which can be
set to discrete values only, is changed to predetermined values with any of
the data controls.
Hold Key
Deactivate functions with HOLD which is found under the
key. The
active function readout is blanked, indicating that no entry will be made
inadvertently by using the knob, step keys, or keypad. (Pressing a function
key re-enables the data controls.)
The knob allows continuous change of functions such as center frequency,
reference level, and marker position. It also changes the values of many
functions that change in increments only. Clockwise rotation of the knob
increases values. For continuous changes, the extent of alteration is
determined by the size of the measurement range; the speed at which the
knob is turned does not affect the rate at which the values are changed.
The knob enables you to change the center frequency, start or stop frequency,
or reference level in smooth scrolling action. The smooth scrolling feature is
designed to move the trace display to the latest function value as the knob
is turned. When either center frequency or reference level is adjusted, the
signal will shift right or left or up or down with the rotation of the knob
before a new sweep is actually taken. An asterisk is placed in the message
block (the upper right-hand corner of the cable TV analyzer display) to
indicate that the data on-screen does not reflect data at the current setting.