
HP Hub & Switch Management Admin
HP Admin Parameters
HP Hub & Switch
Management Admin
Figure 10-3. OpenView Configuration Options
The options are described in more detail here.
ForceMapUpdates. If the attributes (name of icon, application name) of a
symbol are changed, for example, during an update, the symbol must be re-
registered with OpenView for the changes to take effect. Selecting this option
will update the symbol the next time that the master copy of OpenView (ovw)
is run. If this option is not set, symbols that are already executable are not
updated with the new information.
NoMapWalk. When you start HP Hub & Switch Management, it can take a
long time to scan (“walk”) a large OpenView map to get the information needed
to provide full functionality. When the NoMapWalk option is selected, HP Hub
& Switch Management start up time is greatly decreased.
When NoMapWalk is enabled, the symbols of newly discovered devices will
not be executable with a double-mouse-click. You must click on the device in
the OpenView map, then use the Monitor menu (select HP Hub/Bridge) to
display the device's Closeup View. You also will lose the ability to perform
batch security settings.
Trace. This option is provided to assist support personnel in tracking down
problems related to OpenView integration with HP Hub & Switch Manage-
ment. Do not set this option unless you are told to do so by support personnel.