Table 12 SP and Storage System Software Installation Checklist (continued)
Date and time:
Enter manually
Use NTP server information
Time Zone
New password to assign setupusr (for use with the system setup wizards)
NOTE: All passwords for the setupusr username must be between 7 and 32
characters in length and can consist of alphanumeric characters and the following
special characters are period (.), plus (+), dash (-), equal (=), and forward slash (/).
New password to assign 3parcust to access Service Processor Onsite Customer
Care (SPOCC)
NOTE: All passwords for the 3parcust username must be between 7 and 32
characters in length and can consist of alphanumeric characters and the following
special characters: period (.), plus (+), dash (-), equal (=), and forward slash (/).
HP 3PAR Storage System
StoreServ serial number
NOTE: The serial number is located on the back of your HP 3PAR storage system
next to the power switch for the node enclosure PCM, and it begins with16 (for
example, 1624635).
StoreServ system name
IP address (IPv4 only)
Subnet mask
Gateway IP address
Date and time:
Use one of the following methods to configure the date and time:
• Copy from SP
• Enter manually or use NTP server information
• Time Zone
New password to assign 3paradm (to access the storage system)
NOTE: Passwords for the 3paradm username can include all printable characters
and be between 6-8 characters in length.
HP 3PAR SmartStart
Performing host configurations after using SmartStart for installation setup requires
an available server to run Microsoft Windows 2008 R2, x64 Edition or 2012.
SmartStart Prerequisites
• Microsoft Windows 2008 R2 Server x64 Edition or 2012 is currently running in the system
• 1.0 gigahertz or higher processor
• 1 GB of installed RAM (2 GB recommended)
• CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive
• 1280 x 1024 or better screen resolution
SmartStart Online Help is supported in the following browser versions:
• Microsoft Internet Explorer 8, 9 and 10
• Mozilla Firefox 14 through 21
52 Setting Up the Service Processor and Storage System