Argus Camera DC3550 Digital Camera User Manual

QTFileFormat NO.ID#SWL70337
Software Distribution Agreement NO.ID#SWL70338
To install Quick Time5 software
1.Insert the installation CD into your computer CD-ROM driver.
2.Open the file of "Quick Time5", program should install
automatically.It's video Streaming movie playback Album.
3.Follow on-screen instuctions to complete installation.
4.Use instuction on page57 to page76.
5.The ID number was:
1.The instruction of Location .Installation. Update then click Next
2.The software recommended that exit all Windows programs If ready, click Next
3.Display the LICENSE AND WARRANTY information. If you agree, click Agree
4.Choose the file destination location. Browse the folder ,then click Next
5.Please select the image file type(s) that you wish associate .then click Next
6.Select folder name, Accessories ? or new? then click Next
7.Selection of Plugin . then click Next.
12.Follow on-screen instructions to complete installation .
Screen display windows has finished installing.Then click Finish
11.Select the file type assocition , then click Next
10.The MIME Setting ,then click Next
9.The instruction of Setup Assistant, then click Next
8.The set up process automatically,please wait.
13.Program way:click: Start /Programs/Quick Time/Quick Time player. otherwise
click quick mark.
14.Select a picture and edit .Use instructions on QSG(Quick Start Guide)