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Appendix 2—Multicolor Dropout (MCD)
and Single Color Dropout
This appendix describes the basic functionality of how to use the Bowe Bell + Howell Trūper MCD
(Multicolor Dropout). MCD allows the operator to select any combination of up to six different user settable,
color dropout schemes
MCD is only functional in the Black and White mode. MCD does not dropout colors when in Color
Single Color Dropout
Single Color Dropout is used in document scans to delete colored text or lines printed on documents in the
specified colors of red, blue or green. It is used mostly in OCR (Optical Character Reading) to dropout the
form lines.
The Single Color Dropout function can be set independently for the front and back of a document.
The function can be used only with binary images in the Black and White or Binary modes.
Depending on the scanning conditions and colors, it may not be possible to delete the specified
colors completely.
1. Navigate to your scanning application and select Advanced Settings.
2. Click the More button in the Settings dialog box.
Term Description
UI Windows User Interface
RGB Red, Green, Blue
Dropout Color to be removed from a color document when scanning in Black
and White mode
(Multicolor Dropout)
A combination of colors to be removed from a color document, when
scanning in Black and White mode