Network Camera User’s Manual
Security setting
The administrator account name is ―root‖, which is permanent and can not be deleted.
If you want to add more accounts in the Manage User column, please set a password for
the ―root‖ account first.
1. “Change root password” Change the Administrator‘s password by typing in the
new password identically in both text boxes. The typed entries will be displayed as
asterisks for security purposes. After pressing “finish”, the web browser will ask the
Administrator for the new password to access.
2. “Manage privilege” You can modify the manage privilege of operators or viewers.
Check or uncheck the item, then click finish to enable the settings.
3. “Manage user”
(1) “Add a new user” Administrators can add up to 20 user accounts.
(A) Input the new user‘s name and password.
(B) Select the privilege level for the new user account. Click Finish to enable the