Genie Monochrome Series-GigE Vision Camera Operational Reference • 71
Feature Type INT32
The feature list for type INT32 has an additional column 'Exponent' which defines the feature's native unit. This
exponent value is used as a unit multiplier so that the feature value is expressed as an integer, not a decimal number.
• As an example from the following table, the Genie frame rate is 60000 with an exponent of 3. Therefore the
frame rate native unit is mHz. The current value shown – 60000 mHz, is actually 60.000 Hz.
Feature Name Access Type Exponent Sample Value
DeviceMaxThroughput RO INT32 EXP10: 0 18432000
SensorWidth RO INT32 EXP10: 0 640
SensorHeight RO INT32 EXP10: 0 480
FrameRate (mHz) RW INT32 EXP10: 3 60000
BlackLevel RW INT32 EXP10: 0 0
Gain RW INT32 EXP10: 1 0
ExposureTime (μS) RW INT32 EXP10: 6 16384
TriggerDelayToIntegration (μS) RW INT32 EXP10: 6 0
FramesPerTrigger RW INT32 EXP10: 0 1
LUTNumberEntries RO INT32 EXP10: 0 256
DebounceInput_1 (μS) RW INT32 EXP10: 6 10
DebounceInput_2 (μS) RW INT32 EXP10: 6 10
PulseDelayOutput_1 (μS) RW INT32 EXP10: 6 0
PulseDurationOutput_1 (μS) RW INT32 EXP10: 6 0
PulseDelayOutput_2 (μS) RW INT32 EXP10: 6 0
PulseDurationOutput_2 (μS) RW INT32 EXP10: 6 0
Width RW INT32 EXP10: 0 640
Height RW INT32 EXP10: 0 480
OffsetX RW INT32 EXP10: 0 0
OffsetY RW INT32 EXP10: 0 0
SaperaBufferFormat RO INT32 EXP10: 0 16844800
PixelSize RO INT32 EXP10: 0 8
InterPacketDelay (μS) RW INT32 EXP10: 6 0
PacketSize RW INT32 EXP10: 0 1500
HeartbeatTimeout (mS) RW INT32 EXP10: 3 500
MaximumPacketResend RW INT32 EXP10: 1 10
LUTData RW Buffer
FlatFieldGainBuffer RW Buffer
FlatFieldOffsetBuffer RW Buffer
FlatFieldGainMin RO INT32 EXP10: 0 (see note 1)
FlatFieldGainMax RO INT32 EXP10: 0 (see note 1)
FlatFieldOffsetMin RO INT32 EXP10: 0 (see note 1)
FlatFieldOffsetMax RO INT32 EXP10: 0 (see note 1)
FlatFieldWidth RO INT32 EXP10: 0 (see note 1)
FlatFieldHeight RO INT32 EXP10: 0 (see note 1)