If the LCD monitor suddenly turns off...
œ When taking pictures using the LCD monitor and the battery charge
becomes low, the LCD monitor may turn off briefly. This is to suppress
battery power consumption when the flash is recharging. When the flash
has recharged, the LCD monitor will turn on again.
œ Depending on the characteristics of the batteries, the [èç] indication may
appear prematurely when the temperature is low. The indication may also
change depending on the surrounding temperature and other conditions, so
therefore should be thought of as a general indication of the remaining
battery charge.
œ The remaining battery indication is displayed as above only when alkaline
batteries (supplied) are used. The indication is not correctly displayed when
Ni-Cd or other batteries are used.
œ Battery life may differ even among batteries of the same type.
œ Battery consumption differs depending on the shooting conditions (how
many times the flash is used, whether or not the LCD monitor is used) and
surrounding conditions (low temperatures below 10°C), and the number of
pictures that can be taken changes significantly.
œ It is recommended that spare batteries be kept on hand when traveling, at
weddings, etc., and in cold weather conditions when battery consumption is
high. In cold outdoor environments (when skiing, for example) the batteries
can be kept warm by keeping them in your pocket.