Hitachi VM-E54A Camcorder User Manual

Advanced Techniques
Using Quick Edit
Use quick edit to search for the end of previously recorded material, find a particular
spot on your tape, begin editing, or record new material. While the camera is in
record/pause mode hold down the F.FWD, REW/REVIEW, or PLAY button and visually
search the tape. Release the button and the camera/recorder stops the tape at the
exact position you selected.
Using Macro
This function allows you to shoot subjects as close as 1.2 inches. Press and hold the
power zoom control W. The camera focuses on the subject automatically. Check your
lighting as it tends to be insufficient when filming close up.
Creating and Recording Titles
Create titles easily and personalize your recordings while keeping a permanent visual
record of what is contained on a tape. The camera/recorder can store 2 different titles in
its memory. A title stored in memory can be displayed and recorded at any time. A title