Format /api/param?camera.private_mask.status
Example of response camera.private_mask.status=on&200 OK
Interpretation Acquire the on/off status of privacy masking.
Allowed users admin, operator, user
Setting Privacy Masking to On/Off
Format /api/param?camera.private_mask.status=data
Example of Response camera.private_mask.status&202 Accepted(camera.status=save)
Interpretation Change the on/off status of privacy masking. The change is saved by the API,
camera.status=save. If the change is not saved, the setting is restored by reboot.
Allowed users admin, operator
Getting Privacy Masking Color
Format /api/param?camera.private_mask.color
Example of response camera.private_mask.color=ffffff&200 OK
Interpretation Acquire the color of privacy masking. RGB values are returned as hexadecimal number. For
exmaple, ffffff is white, ff0000 is red, 00ff00 is green, and 0000ff is blue.
Allowed users admin, operator, user
Setting Privacy Masking Color
Format /api/param?camera.private_mask.color=data
Example of Response camera.private_mask.color&202 Accepted(camera.status=save)
Interpretation Change the color of privacy masking. Specify RGB values by hexadecimal number. For exmaple,
ffffff for white, ff0000 for red, 00ff00 for green, and 0000ff for blue.The change is saved by the API,
camera.status=save. If the change is not saved, the setting is restored by reboot.
Allowed users admin, operator
Getting Privacy Masking Area
Format /api/param?camera.private_mask.area
Example of response camera.private_mask.area=ffffff,,,f&200 OK
Interpretation Acquire the area of privacy masking. 510 characters are returned as hexadecimal number that
show bitmap. A bit for privacy masking is 32x32 pixels block, and 1920x1080 is divided to 60x34 blocks. For
example, f means 8 blocks are masked.
Allowed users admin, operator, user
Setting Privacy Masking Color