Taking pictures/videos
Sport Subjects that are in motion. Shutter speed is fast. The camera pre-settings
are Multi-Pattern Exposure Metering and Multi-Zone Focus.
Landscape Far-away scenes. The camera uses infinity auto-focus. Auto-focus framing
marks are not available in Landscape.
Night Portrait Reducing red eye of people in night scenes or low-light conditions. Place the
camera on a flat, steady surface or use a tripod.
Distant scenery at night. Flash does not fire. Place the camera on a flat,
steady surface or use a tripod.
Snow Bright snow scenes.
Beach Bright beach scenes.
Text Documents. Focus is set to Macro Focus.
Fireworks Bright, colorful light displays. Flash does not fire. Place the camera on a flat,
steady surface or use a tripod.
Flower Close-ups of flowers or other small subjects in bright light. Focus is set to
Macro Focus.
Quiet occasions, like a wedding or lecture. Flash and sound are disabled.
Self-Portrait Close-ups of yourself. Assures proper focus and minimizes red eye.
Stage People on a lit stage. Fast shutter speed, high ISO. Flash and sounds are off.
Backlight Subjects that are in shadow or “backlit” (when light is behind the subject).
Candle light Capturing the ambiance of candle light.
Sunset Capturing the deep hues seen at sunset.
SCN mode For