Olympus C-720 Digital Camera User Manual

Chapter 8
Rec View
You can choose if the image being recorded is displayed on the viewfinder/
monitor during shooting.
The image being recorded onto the card is displayed. This is useful for a brief
check of images you have just taken. Pressing the shutter button halfway at
any time displays the image the camera is currently aimed at.
The image being recorded onto the card is not displayed. Instead, the subject
the camera is currently pointing at is displayed. This is useful when you want
to prepare your next shot while the previous image is being recorded.
In the top menu, select MODE MENU T SETUP T REC VIEW T ON or
OFF. Press . Press again to cancel the menu.
~How to use the menu(P. 38)
Mode dial
Factory default setting: ON
In the , , , , or mode, Rec View is always ON.