Olympus C-720 Digital Camera User Manual

Using the menus 37
What are the menus? ............................................................37
How to use the menu ............................................................38
Modes & short cut menus ......................................................40
Tabs & MODE MENU functions (shooting) ..............................41
Tabs & MODE MENU functions (playback) ............................43
Shooting basics 44
Shooting mode setting — Mode dial........................................44
Aperture setting — Aperture priority shooting 47
Shutter speed setting — Shutter priority shooting 48
Aperture & Shutter speed setting — Manual shooting 49
Using My Mode 50
How to use the shutter button ................................................50
Focusing ..............................................................................51
Auto focus 51
When Auto focus does not work
— Subjects that are difficult to focus on 52
Focus lock — Focusing on subjects that are
not in the center of the frame 53
Taking still pictures ......................................54
Recording movies ............................................................56
Zoom — Telephoto/Wide-angle shooting ..............................58
Digital zoom 59
Chapter 3
Chapter 4