Olympus C-720 Digital Camera User Manual

Chapter 3
Tabs & MODE MENU functions (shooting) (Cont.)
CARD tab
CARD SETUP Formats cards. P. 102
ALL RESET Selects whether to keep the current camera P. 104
settings when you turn off the power.
INFO Changes the amount of shooting information P. 113
displayed on the viewfinder/monitor.
Turns off the beep sound (used for warnings, P. 114
REC VIEW Selects whether to display images while P. 115
saving them to a card.
MY MODE Customizes settings, which are activated in P. 110
SETUP the mode.
SLEEP Sets the sleep timer. P. 116
FILE NAME Chooses how to name files and folders of P. 117
images to be saved.
PIXEL Checks the CCD and image processing P. 119
MAPPING circuit for errors.
Adjusts the brightness of the P. 114
Sets the date and time. P. 29
BATTERY SAVE Enables camera operation with reduced P. 116
power consumption.
SHORT CUT Lets you assign frequently-used functions as P. 107
shortcut menus on the top menu.
CUSTOM Lets you assign a frequently used function P. 105
BUTTON to the camera’s custom button.