Dust and moisture are harmful agents affecting
your camera. Remove the camera from the case
and store it in a dry, well-ventilated place mak-
ing sure the shutter and self-timer are free from
tension. Do not store the camera near moth balls
or similar volatile chemical materials to avoid
the possibility of damage to metal surfaces.
When storing the camera for a long period of
time, remove the battery. Wipe battery surfaces
with a dry cotton cloth before re-inserting into
the camera.
Avoid dropping or hitting the camera.
Never store the camera where temperatures ex-
ceed 50°C (122°F). When you use the camera
in temperatures under — 20°C (—4°F), it may
sometimes fail to operate properly. To avoid
this, warm the camera before use. Protect against
excess moisture by using packs of silica gel or
other desiccant in the storage area.
After use near the ocean, wipe the camera sur-
faces clean with a soft cloth; never leave salt
on the camera. (Salt may be airborne near the
ocean and collect on the camera even though it
has not been in direct contact with water.)
Avoid excessive tightening when mounting on
a tripod.