The viewfinder is one of the most important fea-
tures of a single lens reflex camera. Since every
photographic subject is turned into a visual image
by means of the finder, a finder that is dark or
difficult to look through is an obstacle to good
photography. However enriched an SLR camera
is with a wide range of interchangeable lenses, the
SLR cannot be expected to fulfill its essential func-
tion without the provision for changing of focus-
ing screens. The OM-2 is provided with a view-
finder that offers a far brighter, large image than
previous 35mm SLR cameras. The Finder Group
supplements this basic advantage with a compre-
hensive set of 14 focusing screens for a wide varie-
ty of applications from photomicrography to as-
trophotography. Unless the most suitable focusing
screen for a given photographic purpose is avail-
able, the potentialities of a system camera cannot
be utilized. For fast, accurate focusing, the OM
System Finder Group offers the unique Vari-
magni Finder with a magnification selector, the
Eyecup 1 that accepts a variety of Dioptric
Correction Lenses, Eyecoupler, etc.