7 Double-click the [DCIM] folder.
Images are stored in folder
[xxxPENTX], where “xxx” is a three-
digit folder number. When [Folder
Name] on the [Set-up] menu is set to
[Date], folders are displayed with a
folder name indicating the date the
images were taken. Images taken on
September 15, for example, are stored
in folder [xxx_0915].
8 Select the folders you want to
copy to the PC.
Hold the [Ctrl] key on the keyboard
while clicking on the folders in which
the images you want to copy are
9 Select [Copy To...] from the
[Edit] menu.
The Copy Files screen appears.
10 Click [More] and select the
destination folder.
11 Click [OK].
The image is copied to the PC.
Select folders