Invert Color (Digital Filter)
.................................. 58, 68
ISO sensitivity.................. 44
JPEG............................... 37
Kelvin............................... 56
Kids (S)........................ 39
Lamp ................................. 8
Landscape (S)............. 38
Landscape (Custom Image)
........................................ 56
Language setting............. 31
Language/W................ 31
Lat-Chromatic-Ab Adj...... 60
LCD Display .............. 22, 33
LCD Display Settings ...... 22
Lens........................... 26, 84
Lens Correction............... 60
Lens focal length ............. 85
Lens information contacts
.......................................... 7
Lens mount index............ 26
Lens unlock button .......... 26
Lens with aperture ring.... 86
Link AE and AF Point ...... 45
Live View............. 11, 19, 35
L mode .......................... 40
Macintosh........................ 98
Macro (S)..................... 38
Magnifying images .......... 36
Manual Exposure ............ 40
Manual Flash Discharge.. 46
Manual focus................... 47
Manual White Balance .... 55
Memory ........................... 76
Memory card ................... 30
Menus.............................. 17
Meter Operating Time ..... 24
w.................................. 47
Microphone........................ 7
Miniature (Digital Filter) ... 68
Mired ............................... 56
Mirror................................. 7
Mode dial......................... 34
Moiré reduction................ 60
Monitor ............................ 10
Monochrome (Custom
Image) ............................. 56
Monochrome (Digital Filter)
........................................ 68
Mount type....................... 84
Movie Edit........................ 70
Movie menu..................... 21
Movie mode..................... 43
Movie SR......................... 21
Moving Object (S)........ 38
MSC ................................ 89
Multi Auto White Balance
(White Balance)............... 54
Multi-image display.......... 62
Multiple AF Points (Contrast
AF)................................... 50
Multi-segment metering... 45
Museum (S)................. 39
Muted (Custom Image).... 56
Natural (Custom Image).. 56
Night Scene (S)........... 39
Night Scene HDR (S).. 39
Night Scene Portrait (S)
........................................ 38
Night Snap (S)............. 39
Noise Reduction........ 41, 45
One Push File Format ..... 74
One-Push Bracketing ...... 53
Operating environment.... 98
Optical Preview ............... 73
Other Indicator Lamps..... 23
G mode .......................... 40
Pastel (Digital Filter)........ 68
PEF ................................. 37
Peripheral Illumin. Corr.... 60
Pet (S) ......................... 39
Photographer................... 80
Pixel Mapping.................. 90
Playback Info Display
selection screen .............. 13
Playback menu................ 21
Playback mode................ 36
Playback mode palette.... 61
Portrait (S)................... 38
Portrait (Custom Image).. 56
Posterization (Digital Filter)
........................................ 68
Power .............................. 31
Preview............................ 41
Processing images.......... 67
Program Automatic Exposure
Protect............................. 77
Protect All Images ........... 21
Provided software............ 98
PTP.................................. 89
Quality ............................. 37
Quick Zoom..................... 21
QuickTime ....................... 98
Radiant (Custom Image)
........................................ 56
RAW................................ 37
RAW Development.......... 71
Rec. Mode menus ........... 18
Recordable time .............. 43
Recorded Pixels .............. 37
Recording Sound Level... 43
Red-eye Reduction.......... 46
Release While Charging
........................................ 46
Remote Control shooting
........................................ 53
Replace Color (Digital Filter)
.................................. 58, 68
Reset......................... 23, 25
Resize.............................. 67