English _45
To configure the IP settings
Select <Basic> - <IP>.
The IP setup window appears.
IP confi guration : Set the IP and port
settings for the camera.
IP type : Select one from <Static
IP>, <Dynamic IP>, and <PPPoE
If you select <PPPoE IP>, you can
provide the optional ADSL IP and
password. However, the multicast items
(multicast address, port, TTL) for VNP
and RTP will disappear.
MAC address : Displays the
Ethernet MAC address.
This is used for creating a DDNS
IP address : Displays the current IP
Subnet mask : Displays the
<Subnet mask> for the set IP.
Gateway : Displays the <Gateway> for the set IP.
DNS server : Displays the DNS(Domain Name Service) server address.
HTTP webserver port : HTTP port used to access the camera via the web
browser. The default is 80(TCP).
Upload port (TCP) : Used to upgrade the software fi rmware, defaulted to 60004(TCP).
IPv6 confi guration : Obtains the IPv6 address to access the IPv6 network.
VNP confi guration : Set a port used to transfer video signals with the Samsung
Device port (TCP) : Used to control the video signal transfer, defaulted to 60001(TCP)
TCP streaming port : Video signal transfer port using TCP protocols, defaulted
to 60002(TCP).
UDP streaming port : UDP Port used to transfer video signal with the UDP
Unicast protocols. The default is 60003(UDP).
Multicast address : IP address used to transfer video signal with the UDP
Multicast protocols.
The default is, and if you want to change the address, specify it
ranging from to
Multicast port : UDP Port used to transfer video signal with the UDP Multicast
protocols. The default is 60005(UDP).
TTL* : Set the TTL for the VNP packet.
The default is 63, and if you want to change the address, specify it ranging from
0 to 255.