62 Chapter 4 Viewfinder Screen Indications and Menus
Chapter 4 Viewfinder Screen Indications and Menus
Menu Operation
Submenu title Page Setting item: Selectable Remarks
Initial value values
<MONITOR OUT> 10 MONITOR OUT: ENC ENC, Y To select the output signal from the
MONITOR OUT connector
CHARACTER: ON ON, OFF To select if character data are to be superimposed
on the MONITOR OUT signal or not
RM CHARACTER: ON, OFF To select if character data are to be superimposed
OFF on the REMOTE signal or not
<TLCS> 11 AGC: ON ON, OFF To set if AGC is to be activated or not when TLCS
is activated
AGC LIMIT: 12 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18 To adjust the limit value for AGC when TLCS
is activated
AGC CHANGE F-5.6, F-4,F-2.8, To adjust the aperture value at which AGC (auto
POINT: F2.8 F-2, OPEN gain control) is to be activated when TLCS is
AE: ON ON, OFF To set if AE (electronic shutter) is to be activated or
not when TLCS is activated
AE LIMIT: 1/250 1/100, 1/150, To set the limit value for AE (electronic shutter)
1/200, 1/250 operation when TLCS is activated
AE CHANGE F-16, F-11, F-8, To set the aperture limit value at which AE
POINT: F16 F-5.6 (electronic shutter) operation is to be activated
when TLCS is activated