For offset address 434h, the length of the UnitDependentInfo is 0Bh Quadlets.
CommandRegsBase is the base address of the camera control register.
F0000000h + 3c0000h × 4 = F0F00000h
The offset address of VendorNameLeaf is required to be
43Ch + 00000Ah × 4 = 464h
The offset address of ModelNameLeaf is required to be
440h + 00000Dh × 4 = 474h
Unit_sub_sw_version conforms to IIDC Standards, Version 1.31.
Vendor_unique_info 0 to Vendor_unique_info 3 are terms of information that the vendor of the camera can define.
The meanings in this camera are as follows:
Vendor_unique_info_0 is the firmware version.
Vendor_unique_info_1 is the hardware version.
Vendor_unique_info_2 is the link version.
Vendor_unique_info_3 is the serial number of the camera.
For offset address 464h, the length of the VendorNameLeaf is 3 Quadlets.
The subsequent 8 bytes are fixed at 00.
After that, the four characters for “SONY” are entered.
For offset address 474h, the length of the ModelNameLeaf is 5 Quadlets.
The subsequent 8 bytes are fixed at 00.
After that, the model name is entered.
Offset 0-7 8-15 16-23 24-31
Vender Name Leaf 464h 0003 CRC
468h 00 00 00 00
470ch 53 4F 4E 59
“ SONY ”
Offset 0-7 8-15 16-23 24-31
Model Name Leaf 474h 0005 CRC
478h 00 00 00 00
47ch 00 00 00 00
480h 58 43 44 2D
“ XCD- ”
484h 56 36 30 43 “ V60C ”
488h 52 00 00 00 “ R··· ”