Using the Camera Features
User’s Guide 10–19
Revised: 12/15/04
Note: Once image transfer has been enabled, the schedule and
rules you have configured for ActiveSync synchronization is also
applied to your image transfers. Depending on your
configuration, images may be transferred continuously while the
device is connected, only upon connection, or manually.
HP iPAQ Image Transfer allows the transferring of images in the
following ways:
■ The Mobile Device setting displays the location of the
images you want to transfer from your HP iPAQ. Also, if you
want to transfer images from storage cards, check the
Include camera images on storage cards checkbox.
■ The Computer setting allows you to create subfolders on your
desktop computer where images can be saved. For example,
you can configure the images to be transferred to a subfolder
with the same name as the folder on your HP iPAQ. If you
are transferring images from a folder with multiple
subfolders, all the subfolders are automatically created in the