3–32 edge switch 2/16 service manual
Repair Information
Perform the maintenance data collection procedure after a firmware fault is corrected
or a failed FRU is replaced to capture the data for analysis by third-level support
personnel. Maintenance data includes the dump file, hardware log, audit log, and an
engineering log viewable only by support personnel. To collect maintenance data:
1. At the HAFM server, open the HAFM application. The Product View displays.
2. Select the icon representing the switch for which the data collection procedure is
to be performed. The Hardware View for the selected switch displays.
3. At the navigation control panel, select Data Collection from the Maintenance icon.
The Save Data Collection dialog box (Figure 3–17) displays.
Figure 3–17: Save Data Collection Dialog Box
4. Remove the backup disk from the HAFM server Zip drive and insert a blank Zip
5. At the Save Data Collection dialog box, select the zip drive (D:\) from the Look in
drop-down menu, then type a descriptive name for the collected maintenance data
in the File name field. Click Save.
6. A dialog box (Figure 3–18) displays with a progress bar that shows percent
completion of the data collection process. When the process reaches 100%, the
Cancel button changes to a Close button.