edge switch 2/16 service manual 3–47
Repair Information
If a problem occurs and a corresponding message displays, go to "MAP 0000: Start
" on page 2-7 to isolate the problem. If no error occurs, the Send Firmware
confirmation box displays.
8. Click Yes. The Send Firmware dialog box displays.
As the download begins, a Sending Files message displays at the top of the dialog
box. This message remains for a few moments as a progress bar travels across the
dialog box to show percent completion of the download. As the download
progresses, a Writing data to FLASH message displays. This message remains
as the progress bar continues to travel across the dialog box. The bar progresses to
100% when the last file is transmitted to the CTP card. The switch then performs
an IPL, during which the switch-to-HAFM server link drops momentarily and the
following occur at the product manager application:
— As the network connection drops, the Status table turns yellow, the Status
field displays No Link, and the State field displays a reason message.
— The alert panel at the bottom of the navigation control panel displays a grey
square, indicating switch status is unknown.
— Illustrated FRUs in the Hardware View disappear, and appear again as the
connection is re-established.
After the IPL, a Send firmware complete message displays as shown below.
9. Click Close to close the dialog box.