
Host Intrusion Prevention 6.1 Product Guide Introducing Host Intrusion Prevention
What’s new in this release
What’s new in this release
Host Intrusion Prevention 6.1 fully integrates with ePolicy Orchestrator 3.6.1 to
manage the client application on the Windows, Solaris, and Linux platforms. The
ePolicy Orchestrator agent is required and its version depends on the platform the
client is installed on. For Windows, ePO agent 3.5.5 or higher is required. For Solaris
and Linux, ePO agent 3.7 is required.
Changes from the previous release
Two firewall policy categories that offer stateful firewall functionality for 6.1
Windows clients in addition to static firewall functionality for 6.0.X clients.
Firewall Rules and Quarantine Rules policies are stateful firewall rules policies that
manage Host Intrusion Prevention 6.1 clients only.
6.0 Firewall Rules and 6.0 Quarantine Rules policies are the legacy static firewall rules
policies that manage Host Intrusion Prevention 6.0.X clients.
Stateful firewall options in the Firewall Options policy to enable FTP Protocol Inspection,
and set
TCP Connection Timeout and Virtual UDP Connection Timeout.
Connection Aware Groups in the Firewall Rules policy has been improved.
Added a DNS suffix as a criterion for network access.
Distinguishes between wired and wireless network connections.
New features
Support for Linux clients on Red Hat Enterprise 4 with SE Linux.
Management of IPS policies through the ePO console.
Adaptive mode application.
Support for Solaris clients on Solaris 8, 9, and 10, 32-bit and 64-bit kernels.
Management of IPS policies through the ePO console.
Adaptive mode application.
Protection of web servers, including Sun One and Apache.
Ability to upgrade from Entercept 5.1 for Solaris.