
Host Intrusion Prevention 6.1 Product Guide Writing Custom Signatures
Rule Structure
MS SQL Database Server
Solaris Apache and iPlanet
IIS_IUSRD Domain web anonymous user account name
IIS_IWAM The IIS Web Application Manager user account name
IIS_LogFileDir Web log files directory
IIS_LVirt_Root All IIS virtual directories
IIS_Processes Processes with access rights to IIS resources
IIS_Services All the services needed for IIS to work properly
MSSQL_Allowed_Access_Paths Directories like \WINNT and \WINNT\System32
that are accessible
MSSQL_Allowed_Execution_Paths Directories like \WINNT and \WINNT\System32
that are executable
MSSQL_Allowed_Modification_Paths Directories like \WINNT\Temp that are modifiable
MSSQL_Auxiliary_Services The auxiliary MS SQL services found on the
MSSQL_Core_Services The core MS SQL services found on the system
MSSQL_Data_Paths All other data files associated with MS SQL that
may be outside of the MSSQL_DataRoot_Path
MSSQL_DataRoot_Paths The path to the MS SQL data files for each
MSSQL_Instances The name of each installed MS SQL instance
MSSQL_Registry_Paths All registry locations associated with MS SQL
Variable Meaning
UAPACHE_Bins Path to Apache binaries
UAPACHE_CgiRoots Path to CGI roots
UAPACHE_ConfDirs Directories containing Apache configuration files
UAPACHE_DocRoots Path to document roots
UAPACHE_Logs Apache log files
UAPACHE_Logs_dir Log file directory
UAPACHE_Roots Apache web roots
UAPACHE_Users Users that Apache runs as
UAPACHE_VcgiRoots Path to CGI roots of virtual servers
UAPACHE_VdocRoots Virtual document roots
UAPACHE_Vlogs Log files of virtual servers
UAPACHE_Vlogs_dir Directories for the log files of virtual servers
UIPLANET_BinDirs Path to iPlanet binaries
UIPLANET_CgiDirs Path to CGI directories
UIPLANET_DocDirs Paths to document directories
UIPLANET_Process Path to iPlanet ns-httpd binary
UIPLANET_Roots Path to iPlanet root
Variable Meaning