
Host Intrusion Prevention 6.1 Product Guide Host Intrusion Prevention Client
Windows client
Firewall Policy Rules
The Firewall rules list displays client rules that you can view and edit. For details on
working with firewall rules, see:
Viewing and editing firewall rules on page 84.
Creating a new firewall rule or firewall group on page 85.
Deleting a firewall rule or group on page 87.
Firewall rules list
The firewall rules list displays rules and rule groups relevant to the client and provides
summary and detailed information for each rule.
You cannot add firewall connection-aware groups from the client. This functionality is
available only in the Firewall Rules policy managed at the ePolicy Orchestrator console.
This column... Displays...
Description The purpose of this rule or rule group.
Protocol Which protocol(s) the rule applies to (TCP, UDP, ICMP).
Whether the rule permits traffic, or blocks it:
Permits traffic.
Blocks traffic.
Whether the rule applies to incoming traffic, outgoing traffic, or both:
Incoming traffic.
Outgoing traffic.
Both directions.
Whether Host Intrusion Prevention treats traffic that matches this rule
as an intrusion (an attack) on your system.
Whether this rule only applies at specific times.
Service (L) Services on your computer where this rule applies. When possible, this
column shows associated port numbers. You can define an individual
service, a range of services, a list of specific services, or specify all
Any) or no services (N/A).
Service (R) Services where this rule applies on the computer you are sending traffic
to, or receiving traffic from. When possible, this column shows
associated port numbers. You can define an individual service, a range
of services, a list of specific services, or specify all (
Any) or no services
Address The IP address, subnet, domain, or other specific identifier that this rule
applies to.
Application The application that this rule applies to, including the program name and
executable file name.