Log Messages on the Camera
Log messages are classified into the following types.
If no content is recorded in a log for approximately two hours, “--
MARK --” will be recorded in the message area.
Application (Camera) Messages
W001 Starting and stopping of system [info]
W030 Startup and shutdown of WebView Livescope
Client [info]
W031 Transmitted video data size [info]
W040 Clearing to external memory [info]
W101 Invalid user name [notice]
W102 Invalid password [notice]
W130 Buffer recovered [notice]
W210 Camera operation discarded [warning]
W230 Buffer overflow [warning]
List of Log Messages
Category Level Code Fault level
crit Error 4xx Software-level failure
(Task operations will
err Error 3xx Operational error
(Operations will
warning Warning 2xx Non-operational error
notice Warning 1xx Error external to the
info Information 0xx Information on normal
Category Level Code Fault level
alert Error 5xx Hardware-level failure
(System operations
will stop)
Description %1 webview (W001)
%1 Starting or stopping
Meaning wvhttp server (webview) has started or
Description %1%2 host=<Host>, user=<User>, prio=<
%1 W: WebView session, V: Session-less video
client, N: Session-less event client
%2 +: Connect, -: Disconnect
Meaning The camera server client was connected or
Description %1= host=<Host>, user=<User>,
video=<jpg | h264>:<Number of frames>
%1 W: WebView session, V: Session-less video
Meaning When a client disconnected, the total data
that was sent to the client displayed in
number of frames.
Description %1 the image storing - %2 (W040)
%1 Starting or stopping
%2 Reason for starting/stopping
Meaning Started or stopped clearing stream
recording to external memory.
Description user <User name> not found (W101)
Meaning The camera was accessed by an
unauthorized user.
Description user <User name> password mismatch
Meaning The password is invalid
Description stream buffer recovered (W130)
Meaning Image buffer for stream recording has
Description camera operation discarded (W210)
Meaning Camera operation requested was
Description stream buffer overflowed (W230)
Meaning The image buffer for the stream recording
overflowed and images were discarded.