System Settings
Enter the current time, date and day of week if different than those shown.
Use the same format. Hours are based on a 24-hour clock. Dates are in
month-date-year format.
Enter the file name for the pictures sent to the server. If Constant File
Name is selected, each picture will overwrite the previous one with the
given file name. If Time/Date Stamp is selected each picture file will have
a unique name based on the given file name with a time/date code
appended. The file extension always will be jpg.
Picture File Name
Constant Name Time/Date Stamp
Enter GSM/GPRSS account information as supplied by your service
see provider
Submit Reset
This page determines internal settings necessary for proper camera operation.
Time, Date, and Day – Set these values to the current time and date. The camera uses these to
implement scheduled operation. Use a 24 hour clock for time and mm/dd/yy format for the date.
Camera Name – Enter a name for the camera. This name will be used for transmitted image
files and in notification messages.
File Name Type – This selection determines how the camera uses the Camera Name to identify
the transmitted image files. A constant filename will cause the image file to always be identified
by the Camera Name. In this case each transmitted image will overwrite the last one on the FTP
server. The FTPJPG application requires a constant file name to retrieve the images from a FTP
server. Selecting the Time/Date Stamp will cause the image file to be identified with the Camera
Name with the current date and time appended. A Time/Date stamped name will cause a series
of uniquely named image files to accumulate on the FTP server.