EN Font Header Format 11-31
Scalable Font - Set Pitch Extended field to zero.
Height Extended (UB)
Bitmap Font - This is an addition to the Height field which extends
the height an extra eight bits. The value of this field is in font design
units. For example, a 10 point font designed at 300 dpi would have a
Height field of 166 (41.5 dots, or 9.96 points) and a Height Extended
field of 170 (0.1660 dots additional, which adds to 9.9998 points).
This field is calculated similar to the Pitch Extended field. Refer to the
Pitch description, above.
Scalable Font - Set The Height Extended field to zero.
Cap Height (UI)
Cap Height is a percentage of the Em of the font and is used to
calculate the distance from the capline (top of an unaccented,
uppercase letter, such as an “H”) to the baseline.
Bitmap Font - Fonts containing a 0 in this field are assumed to have
a cap height percentage of 70.87% of Em (Em being a measure, in
points, of the height of the body of the font.
The Cap Height data is represented as the product of the cap height
percentage and the maximum unsigned integer:
0.7087 × 65535 = 46,445
For non-zero values, the Cap Height % is calculated as follows:
Scalable Font - Contains the cap height in design units.