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calibration card
A card used to calibrate the HP PhotoSmart S20 photo scanner for scanning prints. (The
calibration card is packaged in the special pocket inside the back cover of this Basics guide.)
The calibration card contains both black and white reference sections so that the photo
scanner can be properly calibrated. See also
photo scanner calibration
Compact disk read-only memory. A round disk containing data that can be read by a computer,
but cannot be modified.
CD-ROM drive
The drive in a computer which can read the data on a CD-ROM.
To press and release a mouse button once. (If not specified, this means the left mouse button.)
USB connector
To click the left mouse button twice in rapid succession.
The light-sensitive silver that is coated on the clear acetate film base, and which forms the
photograph when you take a picture and then have the film developed.
film strip
Negatives or slides produced on multiple frames (a strip) of 35 mm print film or slide film,
respectively. You can use a negative strip or a slide strip (up to 5 frames at a time) to create
scanned images via the HP PhotoSmart S20 photo scanner. See also
negative strip
slide strip
hard disk
The disk drive in a computer, which usually contains all the installed software programs as well
as data files produced by the computer’s user(s).
An electronic version of a photograph that can be displayed on a computer screen and saved to
a computer disk. The HP PhotoSmart S20 photo scanner can translate an original photograph
(mounted film, film strip, or print) into an image that a computer will recognize.