Document 800-07361 Rev A 29
Installing the Honeywell IP Utility and
Web-Client Software
This chapter describes how to:
• Install and log onto the IP Utility
• Connect to a device and configure network settings using the IP Utility
• Launch the Web-Client software
• Uninstall the IP Utility, Bonjour, or ActiveX software
About the Honeywell IP Utility and Web-Client
About the Honeywell IP Utility
The Honeywell IP Utility is a software application that is installed from a CD or
downloaded from the Honeywell Systems Group website (www.honeywellvideo.com). It
is installed on a local workstation and primarily used by Administrators to configure the
EQUIP Series of products residing on an IP network.
The IP Utility enables users to:
• Discover device(s) on a network
• Configure the IP network settings, name device(s), upgrade firmware, change
• Open individual Web-Client applications for each discovered device.
Note Before installing and using the Honeywell IP Utility, confirm that your
HD3MDIH/X camera is connected to the network through an Ethernet cable
(see Connecting to a Network via an RJ-45 Ethernet Connector on page 23).