KODAK 305 Photo Printer
4) Contrast
Adjusted value (-128-+128)
When you want the contrast of the print picture to be strong, the value of “Contrast” of the color ad-
justment dialog must be increased.
Same check box ON:R,G and B are same value, OFF:R,G and B are individually adjusted.
(Output data)
255(Input data)
5) Fine adjust
The more minute color adjustments are carried out by the Gamma adjustment tone curve.
6) Defaults
All adjustable values in Color Adjust dialog become 0.
7) Load...
The color adjustment setting fi le is loaded.
8) Save...
The color adjustment setting is saved.
3.2. Fine Adjust dialog
<Fig.27 Fine Adjust dialog (Windows XP)>
1) Adjust
Tick the box for the color adjustment.
2) Each color adjustment
ON: Each RGB color is individually adjusted.
OFF: The same adjustment of each RGB color carries out.
3) Selecting the color to be adjusted
When adjusting color individually, select the color to be adjusted.
4) I/O value display
The input (gradation value before adjustment) and output (gradation value after adjustment) of the
adjustment point are displayed.
5) Defaults
All the tone curves become a linear straight line of the range (0, 0) - (255, 255).