Kodak C813 Digital Camera User Manual

Doing more with your camera
Using exposure compensation to adjust picture
Beforeyoutakea picture,youcanadjustexposurecompensationto makepictures
darkeror lighter.
Press'_ to decreaseexposurecompensation.
Press_, to increaseexposurecompensation.
Using the framing grid to compose a picture
Theframinggrid dividesthe LCDintothirds--vertically and horizontally,Thisis
helpfulif,for example,youwant to balancea picturebetweenwater,earth, andsky.
Toturn onthe framinggrid in Auto/SCNmodes,
I 1 pressthe kCD/Inf°butt°n I010 until thegridappears.
Sharing your pictures
Pressthe Sharebutton to tagyourpicturesand videos.Whentheyaretransferredto
Anytime.(Themostrecentpicture/videotakenisthen displayed.)
Justafteryoutakea picture/video,during quickview.
After pressingtheReviewbutton.
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