Portrait Assist
(portrait assist) mode is used to frame portraits in
which the main subject stands out clearly while back-
ground details are softened, lending the composition
a sense of depth (the degree of softening depends on
the amount of light available). A framing assist menu
helps frame off-center subjects and compose tall or
wide shots and two-person portraits.
frame; use focus lock to focus on off-center subjects ( 91).
Portrait left: Compose shot with subject in left half of frame. Camera fo-
cuses on subject in framing guide.
Portrait right: Compose shot with subject in right half of frame. Camera
focuses on subject in framing guide.
Portrait close-up: Compose shot with subject’s face in top half of frame.
Camera focuses on face area in framing guide.
Portrait couple: Compose shot with two subjects side-by-side. Camera fo-
cuses on closest subject.
Portrait fi gure: Compose shot in “tall” orientation. Camera focuses on sub-
ject in framing guide.
* Other modes can be selected.
Face-priority AF: Camera automatically focuses on face of portrait subject
( 24).