The Shooting Menu
Color Options
Make colors more vivid or record pictures in monochrome.
Option Description
Standard color Natural color.
Vivid color Vivid, “photoprint” colors.
Black-and-white Take pictures in black-and-white.
Sepia Record pictures in sepia.
Take pictures in blue-tinted monochrome.
The eff ects of the selected option can be previewed in the monitor. At settings
other than Standard color, the current setting is also indicated by an icon in the
display ( 6–7).
AF Area Mode
Choose where the camera focuses.
Option Description
Center Camera focuses on subject at center of frame.
Press rotary multi selector up, down, left, or right to se-
lect from 99 focus areas in large frame shown at right.
Pictures can be taken while focus area selection screen
is displayed. To end focus area selection and adjust
fl ash, macro close-up, and self-timer settings, press
button. Press button again to change selection.
Focus area
To focus on off -center subjects when Center is selected for AF area mode:
Focus Lock
Position subject in center of frame.
Press shutter-release button halfway and
check focus.
Recompose picture with shutter-release
button pressed halfway.
Take picture.