The Setup Menu
Reference Section
Wi-Fi Options (COOLPIX S9500 only)
Configure the Wi-Fi (wireless LAN) settings to connect the camera and a smart
Press the d button M z menu icon (A6) M Wi-Fi options
Option Description
Wi-Fi network
When wirelessly connecting the camera and a smart device, set
Wi-Fi network to On. The default setting is Off. See “Using the
Wi-Fi (Wireless LAN) Feature (COOLPIX S9500 only)” (A93) for
more information.
Change the SSID. The SSID configured here is displayed on the
smart device.
Set a 1- to 24-character alphanumeric SSID.
Select whether or not to encrypt the communications between
the camera and the connected smart device.
• Communications are not encrypted when Open (default
setting) is selected.
Set the password. Set a 8- to 16-character alphanumeric
• When Auth./encryp. is set to Open, the password cannot be
Change the channel used for wireless connections.
If you experience a problem with the connection to a smart
device due to radio wave interference from another device or
radio station, change the channel number and retry the
Subnet mask
Set the subnet mask.
• The default setting is Use the default setting
under normal conditions.
DHCP server IP address
Set the DHCP server IP address.
• The default setting is Use the default setting
under normal conditions.
Current settings
Display the current settings.
• When Auth./encryp. is set to Open, the password field is left
Restore factory defaults Restore the Wi-Fi settings to their default values.