24 Pelco Manual C466M-E (6/99)
Command Word 3 Word 4 Word 5 Word 6
Set preset XX 00 03 00 01 to 20
Clear preset XX 00 05 00 01 to 20
Go to preset XX 00 07 00 01 to 20
180 Flip preset 00 07 00 21
Zero pan position 00 07 00 22
Set aux XX 00 09 00 01 to 08
Clear aux XX 00 0B 00 01 to 08
Remote Reset 00 0F 00 00
Pat. Start Point 00 1F 00 00
Pat. Stop Point 00 21 00 00
Run Pattern 00 23 00 00
Zoom Lens speed 00 25 00 00 to 03
Focus Lens speed 00 27 00 00 to 03
The extended commands
above are available at the receiver;
make sure commands can be initi-
ated by the controlling system. Extended Commands
Extended commands will always have B0 of Word 4 set to 1. The numbers below
are in hexadecimal format.
5.3.5 Acknowledgment
The receiver will respond with an ACK (0XA2).