Table of contents and Foreword
The new Pentax K-7 is aimed at advanced amateurs to professional photographers
but can certainly be used by entry-level photographers as well. It’s a camera that
will help expand your photographic talents. It can be as easy to operate as a point
and shoot, but it also has all of the professional features that you will demand as
your experience grows. All Pentax lenses ever made will work with the K-7. It is
often said that the glass are the most important factor in taking great photographs.
There are many reasons to choose the K-7 for your digital photography endeavors.
We have dedicated a whole section on the camera’s features alone.
This book is organized in the following way:
Foreword and Table of contents
Chapter 1 “Know your K-7”is dedicated to the general specifications of the K-7
and the review of the many functions of the camera in general.
Chapter 2 “How to use your K-7” explains the multiple functions of the K-7, and
includes many pictures and illustrations. It clarifies the use of the camera’s functions
from screen menus to actual buttons and switches. There are no simple icons on this
camera such as scene mode, night mode, etc, as found on most entry level cameras.
We think that you would find these icons unproductive after a short period of time.
The advantage of the camera is that you can tailor its operability to your liking or
photographic skills. The three basic shooting elements; Aperture, Shutter Speed and
the Sensitivity (ISO) are all adjustable with the K-7 in ways that will make the com-
petition rethink their approach. It will not be long before other manufacturers try to
mimic the K-7.
Chapter 3 “Processing your K-7 Images” is a brief review on how to manipulate
your images within the camera as well as with a computer. This topic alone is wor-
thy of a book by itself, and there are indeed many books on Digital Imaging readily
available. Pentax software and other digital imaging software such as Photoshop
, Lightroom
, and Elements
are briefly visited. The possibilities are endless
and are only limited by your ability or desire to manipulate and post-process your