Chapter 1 - Know your K-7
(P) Hyper-Program Mode:
Automatically sets shutter speed and aperture to the
proper exposure according to the Program Line * when
taking pictures. While maintaining proper exposure, it
allows the use of the front e-dial and rear e-dial to
change the shutter speed or aperture. Pressing the ISO
setting button and the ISO setting can changed with the
rear e-dial. This could be the only mode available and it
would still make this camera outstanding. More on Hy-
per Program page 117.
(Sv) Sensitivity Priority Mode:
Automatically sets shutter speed and aperture to the
proper exposure according to the set sensitivity. What a
concept. Pentax is the first to use such mode. Sv stands
for Sensitivity values. More on Sensitivity Mode page
(Tv) Shutter Priority Mode:
This lets the user set the shutter speed. This is useful for
freezing action, or shots expressing movement. Tv
stands for Time values, not Television☺.
More on Shutter Priority page124.
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