
Video Streaming
Videogram Streaming is basically a standard Internet file download taken one step further. A standard file download on the
Internet may be accomplished by simply clicking on a link to a file. For example, by clicking on a link to
.yoursite.com/file.exe, the FILE.EXE will be transferred to your hard drive. FILE.EXE may NOT be accessed
until the download is completed. This works fine for most situations but may not be desirable when the video and sound
files are extremely large and will take a considerable amount of time for downloading.
Thanks to the Videogram Player application, streaming Videograms allows Internet site visitors to watch video and hear
sound in real time. For example, by clicking on a link to the fictional http://www
.yoursite.com/vgram.vgx, VGRAM.VGX
will “point” to an actual Videogram file (.VGM) at WWW.YOURSITE.COM and play the Videogram in real time, while
downloading. This .VGX or .VGM file is the step beyond a standard Internet file download.
Standard Internet File Download
Typically, with your Internet Browser, you click on the video file link, and then wait while the file is downloaded in its
entirety to your hard drive.
With Videogram Streaming
With your Internet Browser, you click on the Videogram Pointer File (.VGX or .VGP) or the actual .VGM file. The
Videogram File (.VGM) Is “Called”, and the video & sound is sent to your monitor & speakers without saving the file to
your hard drive (you have the option of also saving the file to your hard drive).
A .VGX file is a standard text file that is used to identify, or “point,” to the location of where a Videogram file (.VGM) is
located. A .VGP file is intended for use ONLY with the Streaming Videogram Netscape Plug-In. The contents of both a
.VGX and .VGP file will look similar to this:
The Streaming Videogram Player can be run as a stand-alone application to play back any Videogram .VGM files, .VGX
and .VGP “pointer files,” including standard Videograms .EXE. The Videogram Player’s main use is as a Helper Applica-
tion that is launched by your browser.
The difference between .VGX and .VGP files are simply that one is used to launch the stand-alone Streaming Videogram
Player (.VGX) and the other is used to launch the Netscape Plug-In (.VGP).
Adding Videograms To Internet Sites
Follow the steps below to setup streaming videos on an internet site
1 Set up your web servers to insert the above MIME types on files with extensions of “VGX”, “VGP” and “VGM” as
type=video/x-videogram ext=vgm,vgx
type=video/x-videogram-plugin ext=vgp
2 Create a .VGM Videogram file as described in Chapter 3. This is a Videogram without the built-in Videogram player.
3 Upload the .VGM file to your Internet site and be sure to note the exact location, like:
4 Using a standard text editor like Windows Notepad (located in the “Accessories” group), create a new file containing
the location of the .VGM file. For example:
Save this file as a standard text file with a .VGX (or .VGP for Netscape Plug-In) extension. For example:
(MYVGP.VGP for Netscape Plug-In)
Advanced Features