Wireless Networks (G800SE Only)
The [Auto Update Server] Tab
Item Name Description
Server Name Supply the IP address of the SR-10 server used to store camera
firmware, memo lists, and other data (G P.145).
User Name
Not required when a private computer is used as the SR-10 server.
Specify Folder Not required.
PASV Select this option to connect to the SR-10 server in PASV mode.
Choose this option when you are unable to connect to a server
that is behind a firewall.
Cryptography Choose an encryption mode for connection to the SR-10 server.
Choosing [Explicit] or [Implicit] enables encrypted ftp using SSL/TLS.
FTP port
Enter the port numbers selected for [Clock Synchronization/
Firmware Update/Settings Update] in the SR-10 [Main] tab (GP.146).
The [802.1X Authentication] Tab
If [WPA/WPA2 mixed Enterprise] is selected for [Authentication] in the
[Wireless LAN] or [Web Server] tab, existing user authentication system
data can be used when connecting to the server via a wireless LAN.
Item Name Description
Server Name
Enter the name of the 802.1X authentication server.
Choose the type of 802.1X authentication.
User Name
Enter a user name and password for the 802.1X authentication
Logon Domain Enter the 802.1X authentication server logon domain.
Certificate Path Enter the path and file name for the certificated that will be
uploaded to the camera.