20 Advanced Camera Operation Manual
Error Codes
This section lists the error codes that may appear when using ICL.
10101 C101_ICL_LIB_NOT_INIT the script library not initialized
10102 C101_ICL_LIB_INITED the script library initialized
10103 C101_ICL_NO_BEGIN script_begin command was not seen
10104 C101_ICL_END_TOO_SOON text ended before script_end instruction
10105 C101_ICL_INST_INVAL script instruction not correctly read
10106 C101_ICL_OPEN_PAREN opening parenthesis not present
10107 C101_ICL_ILLEGAL_CHAR illegal character or symbol
10108 C101_ICL_BAD_COMMA unexpected comma
10109 C101_ICL_BAD_NUMBER unexpected numeric parameter; comma needed?
10110 C101_ICL_BAD_CL_PAREN unexpected closing parenthesis; extra comma?
10111 C101_ICL_NO_SEMICOLON semicolon missing from this instruction
10112 C101_ICL_TOO_MANY_ARG instruction has too many parameters
10113 C101_ICL_TOO_FEW_ARG instruction doesn’t have enough parameters
10114 C101_ICL_ARG_IS_ZERO argument must be greater than zero
10115 C101_ICL_ARG_OVER_65K argument must be 65,535 or less
10116 C101_ICL_ARG_INVALID argument is invalid or illegal
10117 C101_ICL_OVER_LOOP loops are nested too deeply
10118 C101_ICL_UNDER_LOOP too many loop_end instructions
10119 C101_ICL_UNEVEN_LOOP loop_begin commands don’t match loop_end
10120 C101_ICL_BIN_TOO_LARG readout’s binning exceeds its size
10121 C101_ICL_RGN_TOO_LARG readout region does not fit on the CCD
10122 C101_ICL_DISPLAY_SMAL displayed data is less than the collected data
10123 C101_ICL_DISPLAY_LARG displayed data is more than the collected data
10124 C101_ICL_NO_FRAME_XFR camera doesn’t have a separate storage array
10125 C101_ICL_NO_MPP camera does not allow MPP mode
10126 C101_ICL_TOO_COMPLEX script exceeds available program memory