Viewing images through a disc drive
, Start up your computer and
insert a finalized disc into the
disc drive of your computer.
• To view images on a CD-RW using a disc drive,
the drive must support MultiRead. Consult the
drive manufacturer as to whether your drive
supports MultiRead.
• This section describes how to view images
through a disc drive using Windows Me as an
example. The required operations may differ
depending on your OS.
• Windows Media Player must be installed on
your computer in order to view movies.
• You can use the “PIXELA ImageMixer for
Sony” software to view images on your
computer. For details, see the software’s help
, Open [My Computer] and
double-click the drive you use
for the disc
, Double-click “DCIM,” then
double-click “100MSDCF.”
The “100MSDCF” folder contents are
• The “100MSDCF” folder contains the image
files you have recorded with this camera.
• The folder names vary depending on the type of
images they contain. For details on folder and
file names, see “Image file storage destinations
and image file names” on page49.