to connect to ANY access point under the infrastructure
network mode.
To connect the camera to a specific access point on the
network, please make sure to set the ESSID of the camera to
correspond with the access point’s ESSID for communication.
Enter a name in the Network Name box (a maximum of 32
characters including spaces and symbols, the punctuation are
not allowed).
To connect the camera to an Ad-Hoc wireless workgroup,
please make sure to set the same wireless channel and ESSID
to match with the computer’s settings for direct wireless
communication under the Ad-Hoc wireless workgroup.
- Channel: This pull-down menu provides the wireless
for communication. A “channel” is a range of
frequencies to
be used in communication between the
camera and access
point in Infrastructure mode, or the
camera and PC/Notebook
in Ad-Hoc mode. Select the
appropriate channel from the list
provided depending on
the regulatory region where the unit is
- Authentication Mode: Open System communicates the key
across the network. Shared allows communication only with
other devices with identical WEP settings.
- Security Method: Wireless network communications can be
intercepted easily. Select the WEP option to enable the
security feature of camera, which helps you protect your
wireless network.
- Key Format: To enable WEP Encryption, you should decide
the encryption format first by selecting the ASCII or HEX
option, and then input the WEP key (in the following Key
1~4 box).
ASCII input format: ASCII format causes each character you type to
be interpreted as an eight-bit value. All unaccented upper- and lower-