user’s manual
digital camera
underexposed pictures, you can adjust the EV (Exposure Value) Compensation to control how
much light enters the digital camera when taking pictures. EV Compensation also helps prevent
having too light or too dark pictures.
EV Compensation can be adjusted over a range of -1.5 to +1.5 EV in steps of 0.3 EV. Here are
guidelines on how to choose an ideal exposure setting for your pictures:
a. If the ambient light is normal, a zero (0) value will automatically choose the correct exposure
for your pictures.
b. If the ambient light is too dark, increasing the value gives you better picture results.
c. If the ambient light is too light, decreasing the value gives you better picture results.
White Balance
White Balance allows you to obtain the highest color fidelity possible by taking into account the
lighting conditions under which your pictures are taken. Set the appropriate White Balance setting
to remove the color cast by the current lighting conditions.
Auto White Balance should work well under most normal lighting conditions. If Auto White Balance
does not produce the desired results, choose one of the other White Balance settings depending
on the ambient lighting conditions. For instance, selecting "Bulb" can minimize the orange color
cast by household light bulbs.
Specifically, the following are the White Balance settings that are available:
MODE Lighting Conditions
Auto Automatically chooses the best White Balance for given lightning condition
Sun Outdoors daylight
Bulb Incandescent lighting
Tube1 Cool fluorescent lightning
Tube2 Warm fluorescent lightning
Picture Resolution and Quality
The Resolution option allows you to choose a picture size (in number of pixels). There are two
types of resolution to choose from:
Full 2048 x 1536
Half 1024 x 768
The Quality option allows you to choose a compression setting for your pictures. Compression
is a way of encoding image data so as to minimize the picture's file size. Three compression
settings are available for selection: