18 www.xilinx.com CAN Getting Started Guide
UG186 April 19, 2010
Chapter 4: Detailed Example Design
Directory and File Contents
The CAN v3.2 core directories and their associated files are defined in the following
<project directory>
The <project directory> contains all the CORE Generator software project files.
<project_directory>/<component name>
The <component name> directory contains the release notes file provided with the core,
which may include last-minute changes and updates.
Table 4-1: Project Directory
Name Description
Top-level netlist
Verilog or VHDL simulation model
CORE Generator software project-
specific option file; can be used as an
input to the CORE Generator software.
List of files delivered with the core.
VHDL or Verilog instantiation
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Table 4-2: Component Name Directory
Name Description
Core name release notes file.
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