
Table 11–1: List of /etc/.proto.* Files
.proto..autopush .proto..motd
.proto..conf .proto..ntp.conf
.proto..ddr.db .proto..passwd
.proto..ddr.dbase .proto..phones
.proto..hosts .proto..shells
.proto..inetd.conf .proto..sysconfigtab
For example, the /etc/.proto..hosts file contains no host names. Edit
this file to include the network addresses, names, and aliases of well-known
systems in your environment. Enter server information so that you do not
have to enter this information for each client when setting up network
services. See hosts
(4) for more information about the layout of this file.
You should list commonly mounted NFS file systems, as well as the /proc
file system if it will be used by clients. When you add NFS file systems
to the etc/.proto..fstab file, you also should add the hosts to the
etc/.proto..hosts file. If the NFS mount points are in the client root
partition, make the directory mount points in the DMS root area as well. If
they are in the shared usr directory structure, make the directory mount
points in the DMS usr directory area.
After you modify the .proto.. files in the DMS environment, configure the
DMS environment by following the steps in Section 11.4.2.
11–10 Setting Up a DMS Environment